“Basic tier” service adheres to U.S. communications policy’s First Principle

Read the latest op-ed by TVfreedom.org spokesman Robert C. Kenny on the importance of preserving public safety as a core ‘First Principle’ in U.S. communications policy. The op-ed shines light on the lobbying effort by the pay-TV industry to scrap the long-standing requirement known as the lifeline “basic service tier.” If proponents of one-sided marketplace reforms get what they want, millions of families — especially low-income ones — will be forced to pay up to three times more per month to get access to their local TV stations as part of the cheapest available bundled cable TV programming package. In fact, pay-TV operators could choose to place local TV stations on separately priced tiers, forcing consumers to pay extra for the full complement of local broadcast television and access to real-time TV emergency alerts and warnings in their communities.

For the full op-ed, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/technology/204277-preserving-public-safety-as-a-core-first-principle-in-us